TIGER-NET is a user-oriented project, where the final product, models and integrated observation and information systems provide a clear response to specific user needs. Therefore, the project is built around User Groups made up of national and basin authorities responsible for water management. The following organisations have agreed to collaborate with ESA and the technical team and to actively participate in this project as an initial User Group.

  • South African Department of Water Affairs - DWA
  • Lake Chad Basin Commission - LCBC
  • Namibian Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry - MAWF
  • Nile Basin Initiative - NBI
  • Volta Basin Authority - VBA
  • Zambia Department of Water Affairs DWA
  • DR Congo National Agency of Meteorology and Teledetection by Satellite - METTELSAT
  • Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia - INAM
  • International Water Management Institute- IWMI
  • United Nations World Food programme- WFP
  • Action against Hunger- ACF
  • Zambezi Watercourse Commission - ZAMCOM

For each user organisation a Project Leader acts as a key contact point between the technical team to establish the requirements, coordinate the logistics, prepare the training activities, system installation and other activities that are required.

In addition to this preliminary set of users and partners, additional African user organizations were engaged to complete the user group and the service cases, especially in preparation of the second cycle.