Read the latest news and press releases of the TIGER NET project activities.
TIGER-BRIDGE to continue activities for users in Africa
The aim of the TIGER Bridge project, which is financed by ESA and was started in December 2015, is the continuation of TIGER NET efforts strengthening the EO capacity and knowledge within the African water resource community. This explicitly refers to the antecedent efforts of ESA in this field, which established and developed a TIGER community in the African water sector which plays more and more the role of catalyst in technology transfer and knowledge development for the application of Earth Observation (EO) as e.g. provided by the ESA Sentinel missions.
The antecedent efforts have two major results: an ever increasing community which is becoming an active key player of the applications of EO in the water sector, and the knowledge base, in a certain sense a “TIGER culture”
Application of Sentinel 1 data to capture floods in Malawi and Mozambique
Heavy rains following cyclone Bansi have caused devastating floods in Southern Malawi and central Mozambique along the Shire, an important tributary to the Zambezi River. According to sources in Malawi the floods are the worst in more than 20 years resulting in more than 200 deaths, massive destruction of infrastructure and agricultural fields as well as raising fears of a large-scale cholera outbreak.
The Zambezi river basin experiences a number of natural disasters with floods being the most devastating. There is great need to reduce and manage the risk of the effects of such natural disasters, because they leave a trail of destruction that disrupts peoples’ livelihood and the economic growth in the basin and the southern African region as a whole.
It is for this reason that the floods in Malawi and Mozambique are being monitored closely by the newly established permanent Zambezi Watercourse Commission (ZAMCOM) Secretariat through the use of the Water Observation and Information System (WOIS) where free radar satellite images from the Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission are being converted into maps showing the development and current extent of the floods.
The information gathered is important to better assess the flood situation in the development of an operational flood forecasting tool for the organisation. With this system ZAMCOM will be able to predict water levels and possible floods in advance using state-of-the-art modelling tools.
As Professor Zeb Phiri, the Executive Secretary of the ZAMCOM Secretariat explains: “Disaster risk reduction and management is a cornerstone of the ZAMCOM agreement and the flood maps derived from WOIS make an important contribution to the current enhancement of the Zambezi Water Information System (ZAMWIS) and towards the implementation of a fully operational Decision Support Systems for flood forecasting and early warning in the Zambezi river basin”.
In Malawi, heavy rains returned over the weekend and the space based monitoring of the flood situation will therefore continue over the coming days and weeks. Radar satellite images allow following the flooding event independent of weather and clouds, which is why the open and free data of the Sentinel-1 mission is essential for water authorities for their monitoring purposes.
Related Links:
TIGER Initiative:
Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission:
WOIS promotion at the World Bank Headquarters in Washington
In an effort to promote the support for further implementation of the Water Observation and Information System (WOIS) in Africa, Christian Hoffmann, Managing Director of GeoVille Group, hostet a BBL knowledge sharing seminar at the World Bank headquarters in Washington D.C. on September 30th, 2014. Among the 53 participants were high level water experts from the World Bank, European Space Agency (ESA), and NASA as well as external viewers via remote access.
Public Release of the Water Observation and Information System
The TIGER-NET initiative is pleased to ANNOUNCE THE first PUBLIC RELEASE OF THE WOIS which can be downloaded after registration here. The WOIS provides a significant capacity to produce a comprehensive suite of water related information products based on a variety of satellite input sources. The recent publication in the Special Remote Sensing Issue on Earth Observation for Water Resource Management in Africa provides the scientific background and in depth insights of the various processing chains.
Earth Observation for Integrated Water Resource Management in Africa: data, tools and capacity building
The TIGER initiative, endorsed by AMCOW, is featuring a side event at the 5th African Water Week, Dakar, Senegal on Wednesday, 28th May 2014. The side event will discuss and develop together with African stakeholders the opportunities for improving Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) by exploiting the advantages of Earth Observation (EO) technology. Please download the invitation and agenda here. Show Cases of TIGER-NET are available as leaflets for download.
Monitoring and Managing Africas Water Resources
The TIGER workshop, which brought together over 100 scientists, national and transboundary authorities, water experts from 21 African countries and representatives from international development organisations, was held in Tunisia from 21th till 25th of October. Within the frame of this workshop also the TIGER-NET Mid Term Review was held together with all active users of the WOIS, the Steering Committee, and Management of ESA and Consortium representatives.
TIGER-NET Mid Term Review 23-24 Oct. 2013 in Tunis
The subject of the TIGER-NET Mid Term Review meeting will be a review of the Water Observation Information System (WOIS) prototype, all User Cases and to consolidate the development plans as well as project schedule for the Cycle 2 in terms of:
- Cycle 1 products and system performance, user assessment and acceptance;
- New users for Cycle 2;
- New services/products for Cycle 2;
On the basis of the outcomes and recommendations of the workshop an activity plan for Cycle 2 will be developed by the service providers.
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Announcement for the biannual TIGER Workshop 2013 and TIGER-NET Mid Term Review Meeting
The TIGER workshop 2013 aims to present the achievements of the different TIGER components namely the TCBF, the pre-operational TIGER-Net project, and the GMFS Soil Moisture Extension user requirements. Building on its achievements in the last ten years, we aim at identifying the main strengths and weaknesses of the TIGER initiative and preparing the basis for future activities.
The workshop is open to all interested stakeholders. The participant list will include, among others:
- The scientists and water experts involved in the TIGER Research projects and the Regional Offices;
- African water authorities, who are already active partners in TIGER or are interest to join;
- Water experts, scientists and decision makers interested in EO technology for water resource management and related research as well as capacity building opportunities;
- International organisations and development partners actively involved or collaborating with TIGER
For a summary overview of the TIGER NET Project, please revert to the TIGER NET Flyer as presented at the ESA Living Planet Symposium.
The third issue of the TIGER NET Newsletter
The third issue of the TIGER-NET newsletter provides an overview of the qualification review (QR), the achievements to date as well as on-going activities. The technical teams are busy implementing the recommended adaptions and are performing the first round of system installations and trainings. We would like to raise the awareness of the upcoming ESA Living Planet Symposium (
The second issue of the TIGER NET Newsletter
Welcome to the second issue of the TIGER NET newsletter. This November issue explains the role of the users within the project and reports of the progress during the design phase.
TIGER NET at the 9th international conference AARSE
At the African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE) conference in Morocco, ESA participated with two special sessions dedicated to the TIGER initiative.
The TIGER NET project itself was highlighted both in the special session as well as in the ESA keynote given in the plenary. The response from the African scientific community was very positive to different capacity building activities within TIGER and lead to an official recognition and support in the official AARSE 2012 Declaration. The TIGER NET project has been widely seen as an important activity to prepare for the up-take of the Sentinel missions.
TIGER in Africa and the AARSE 2012 Declaration:
- Recognising the importance and success of continued long term collaboration between European Space Agency and African scientists within the TIGER initiative on Earth Observation techniques related to water resources management.
- To support the dedicated activities in the TIGER Capacity Building Facility and within the new TIGER NET project as essential component to prepare the African water resources expert for the exploitation of African National satellites and the upcoming SENTINEL satellite fleet of the European Space Agency.
AARSE website:
Successful Requirements Engineering Review Meeting
From the 5th-6thof September 2012 the TIGER-NET Requirements Engineering Review (RER) was kindly hosted by the South African National Space Agency (SANSA) and the South African Department of Water Affairs.
The main objective of this meeting was to review and to consolidate the user requirements and technical specifications for the Water Observation Information System (WOIS) to be developed within TIGER-NET.
Beside 3 representatives from the consortium (Project Manager, Responsible Technical Lead and Assistant Project Manager) and the ESA TIGER-NET coordinator, the project leaders of all involved users (Nile Basin Initiative, Lake Chad Basin Commission, Volta Basin Authority, Department of Water Affairs South Africa and the Namibian Ministry of Water) as well as one key member of the steering committee (UNESCO) were present.
The meeting was opened by the Managing Director of SANSA, Dr. Jane Mukarugwiza Olwoch.
After presenting the summary of established user requirements from both, the consultants’ and users’ perspective, the summary of the outcome of the technical specifications and the feasibility studies, the requirements of the defined demonstration cases were discussed and adapted in individual consultation meetings against the feasibility and benefit for implementation. The adapted demonstration cases to be implemented were appropriated by the users.
The RER represents the first Milestone of TIGER-NET and successfully concludes the first project phase of cycle 1.As part of this milestone, the final, ESA reviewed versions of the Requirement Baseline and adapted, final Technical Specification documents as well as the presentations and the outcome of this meeting are delivered.
The first issue of the TIGER NET Newsletter
Welcome to the first issue of the TIGER NET newsletter, which will provide regular reports on the activities. This issue covers the activities for the first three months of the project and a short introduction of the technical team.
TIGER NET launch at the 6th World Water Forum
Please read the webstory on the TIGER NET launch at the 6th World Water Forum.