DTU ENV Space - The Department of Environmental Engineering, (ENV) is a department at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU ENV) aiming at developing technical and sustainable solutions to minimize the impact of society on the environment through research and teaching. DTU ENV is organized in four research themes. TIGER NET activities are central to the aims of the Water Resources Engineering Theme, which is focused on the development of decision support tools for water resources management. Its research agenda is focused on monitoring and modelling of large-scale water resources systems using ground-based and space-borne geophysical sensors. Specific research interests are the use of geophysical and remote sensing methods for hydrological monitoring and modelling, as well as integrated water resources management. DTU ENV has pioneered novel hydro-geophysical inversion approaches using various ground-based data types (time-lapse gravity, time-domain electromagnetic soundings, geo-electrical imaging) and space-borne data types (radar altimetry, GRACE water storage changes, SAR soil moisture). DTU ENV has long-term experience in the area of real-time modelling and forecasting using data assimilation techniques. Case study applications include large-scale hydrological systems in Europe, Africa, Latin America and Asia. DTU ENV has participated in related international research projects funded by both national and international donors, including

  • River and Lake (funded by ESA)
  • Hydrograv (funded by the Danish research council)
  • Zambia water sector program (funded by DANIDA)

More information on DTU ENV is available at the department’s website, www.env.dtu.dk.